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Journal Publications
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- Robert A. Coker, Erik R. Zellmer and Daniel W. Moran (2018) Micro-channel sieve electrode for concurrent bidirectional peripheral nerve interface. Part B: Stimulation. Journal of Neural Engineering (in press).
- Erik R. Zellmer, Matthew R. MacEwan and Daniel W. Moran (2017) Modelling the impact of altered axonal morphometry on the response of regenerative nervous tissue to electrical stimulation through macro-sieve electrodes. Journal of Neural Engineering. Dec 1. doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/aa9e96.
- David Bundy, Lauren Souders, Kelly Baranyai, Laura Leonard, Gerwin Schalk, Robert Coker, Daniel W Moran, Thy Huskey, Eric C Leuthardt (2017) Contralesional Brain-Computer Interface Control of a Powered Exoskeleton for Motor Recovery in Chronic Stroke Survivors. Stroke Vol 48, Issue 7, pp 1908-1915.
- Shivayogi V. Hiremath1, Elizabeth C. Tyler-Kabaral, Jesse J. Wheeler, Daniel W. Moran, Robert A. Gaunt, Jennifer L. Collinger, Stephen T. Foldes, Douglas J. Weber, Weidong Chen, Michael L. Boninger, Wei Wang (2017) Human Perception of Electrical Stimulation on the Surface of Somatosensory Cortex. Plos One Biology. Vol 12, Issue 5 e0176020.
- Matthew R. MacEwan , Erik R. Zellmer, Jesse J. Wheeler, Harold Burton and Daniel W. Moran (2016) Regenerated Sciatic Nerve Axons Stimulated through a Chronically Implanted Macro-Sieve Electrode. Frontiers in Neuroscience Vol 5, Article 557, pp 1-12.
- Adam G. Rouse, Jordan J. Williams, Jesse J.Wheeler, and Daniel W. Moran (2016) Spatial co-adaptation of cortical control columns in a micro-ECoG brain-computer interface. Journal of Neural Engineering 12(5), 16pp.
- Matthew R. MacEwan, Michael R. Talcott, Daniel W. Moran, and Eric C. Leuthardt (2016) Novel spinal instrumentation to enhance osteogensis and fusion: a preliminary study. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 25(3), 318-327.
- David T Bundy, Erik Zellmer, Charles M Gaona, Mohit Sharma, Nicholas Szrama, Carl Hacker, Zachary V Freudenburg, Amy Daitch, Daniel W Moran, Eric C Leuthardt (2014) Characterization of the effects of the human dura on macro-and micro-electrocorticographic recordings. Journal of Neural Engineering 11(1), 12pp.
- J.J. Williams, A.G. Rouse, S. Thongpang, J.C. Williams, D.W. Moran (2013) Differentiating closed-loop cortical intention from rest: building an asynchronous electrocorticographic BCI. Journal of Neural Engineering 10(4).
- A.G. Rouse, J.J. Williams, J.J. Wheeler and D.W. Moran (2013) Cortical adaptation to a chronic micro-electrocorticographic brain computer interface. Journal of Neuroscience 33(4), 1326-1330.
- W Wang, J.L. Collinger, A.D. Degenhart, E.C. Tyler-Kabara, A.B. Schwartz, D.W. Moran, D.J. Weber, B. Wodlinger, R.K. Vinjamuri, R.C. Ashmore, J.W. Kelly, M.L. Boninger (2013) An Electrocorticographic Brain Interface in an Individual with Tetraplegia. PLOS One 8(2), e55344.
- Ritaccio, M. Beauchamp, C. Bosman, P. Brunner, E. Chang, N. Crone, A. Gunduz, D. Gupta, R. Knight, E. Leuthardt, B. Litt, D. Moran, J. Ojemann, J. Parvizi, N. Ramsey, J. Rieger, J. Viventi, B. Voytek, J. Williams, G. Schalk (2012) Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Advances in Electrocorticography. Epilepsy & Behavior, 25:4, pp. 605-613.
- N.R. Anderson, T.Blakely, G. Schalk, E.C. Leuthardt and D.W. Moran (2012) Electrocorticographic (ECoG) correlates of human arm movements. Experimental Brain Research. 9, pp. 1-10.
- T.M. Pearce and D.W. Moran (2012) Strategy-dependent encoding of planned arm movements in dorsal premotor cortex. Science 337 (6097), pp. 984-988.
- D.T. Bundy, M. Wronkiewicz, M. Sharma, D.W. Moran, M. Corbetta and E.C. Leuthardt (2012) Using ipsilateral motor signals in the unaffected cerebral hemisphere as a signal platform for brain–computer interfaces in hemiplegic stroke survivors. Journal of Neural Engineering Vol 9(3), 036011.
- A.G. Rouse, S. Stanslaski, P. Cong, R. Jensen, P. Afshar, D. Ullestad, D.W. Moran and T. Denison (2011) A Chronic Generalized Bi-directional Brain Machine Interface. Journal of Neural Engineering 8:036018.
- Thongpang, T.J. RichneR, S.K. Brodnick, A. Schendel, J. Kim, J.A. Wilson, J. Hippensteel, L. Krugner-Higby,D. Moran, A.S. Ahmed, D. Neimann, K. Sillay, J.C. WilliamS (2011) A Micro-electrocorticography Platform and Deployment Strategies for Chronic BCI Applications. Clinical EEG Neuroscience, 42, pp. 259–265.
- Ritaccio A, Boatman-Reich D, Brunner P, Cervenka MC, Cole AJ, Crone N, Duckrow R, Korzeniewska A, Litt B, Miller KJ, Moran DM, Parviz J, Viventi J, Williams J, Schalk G. (2011) Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Advances in Electrocorticography. Epilepsy & Behavior, 22:4, pp. 641-650.
- M.D. Wood, M.R. MacEwan, A.R. French, A.M Moore, D.A. Hunter, S.E. Mackinnon, D.W. Moran, G.H. Borschel, and S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert (2010). Fibrin Matrices with Affinity-based Delivery Systems and Neurotrophic Factors Promote Functional Nerve Regeneration. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Vol 106, No 6, 970-979, 2010.
- D.W. Moran (2010). Evolution of brain-computer interface: Action potentials, local field potentials and electrocorticograms. Current Opinions in Neurobiology 20:1-5.
- Wang, S.S. Chan, D.A. Heldman, and D.W. Moran (2010) Motor cortical representation of hand position and rotation during reaching. Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 30, pp 958-962.
- C.L. Lewis, S.A. Sahrmann, D.W. Moran (2010). Effect of Hip Angle on Anterior Hip Joint Force during Gait. Gait and Posture 32:603-607.
- E.C. Leuthardt, G. Schalk, J. Roland, A. Rouse , and D.W. Moran (2009) Evolution of brain-computer interfaces: going beyond classic motor physiology. Neurosurgical Focus, Vol. 27(1):E4, pp 1-11.
- C.L. Lewis, S.A. Sahrmann, D.W. Moran (2009). Effect of position and alteration in synergist muscle force contribution on hip forces when performing hip strengthening exercises. Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 24(1), pp. 35-42.
- N.R. Anderson, K. Wisneski, L. Eisenman, D.W. Moran, E.C. Leuthardt, D.J. Krusienski (2009). An offline evaluation of the autoregressive spectrum for electrocorticography. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering Vol 56 (3), pp. 913-916.
- J. Xie, M.R. MacEwan, S.M. Willerth, X.L., D.W. Moran, S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert, Y Xia (2009). Preparation of conductive core-sheath nanofibers and their potential application in neural tissue engineering. Advanced Functional Materials, Vol 19, pp. 1-7.
- A.G. Rouse and D.W. Moran (2009) Neural adaptation of epidural electrocorticography (EECoG) signals during closed-loop brain computer interface (BCI) tasks. Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS pp. 5514-5517.
- K.J. Wisneski, N.R. Anderson, G. Schalk, M. Smyth, D.W. Moran, E.C. Leuthardt (2008) The unique cortical physiology associated with ipsilateral hand movements and neuroprosthetic implications. Stroke, Vol. 39(12), pp. 3351-3359.
- G. Schalk, K.J. Miller, N.R. Anderson, J.A. Wilson, M.D. Smyth, J.G. Ojemann, D.W. Moran, J.R. Wolpaw, E.C. Leuthardt (2008). Two-dimensional movement control using electrocorticographic signals in humans. Journal of Neural Engineering, Vol 5(1), pp. 75-84.
- W. Wang, S.S. Chan, D.A. Heldman, and D.W. Moran (2007) Motor cortical representation of position and velocity during reaching. Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol 97, pp. 4258-4270.
- K.J. Miller, E.C. Leuthardt, G. Schalk, R.P.N. Rao, N.R. Anderson, D.W. Moran, J.W. Miller, and J.G. Ojemann (2007) Spectral changes in cortical surface potentials during motor movement. Journal of Neuroscience, Vol 27, No 9, pp 2424-2432.
- C.L. Lewis, S.A. Sahrmann, D.W. Moran (2007) Anterior hip joint force increases with hip extension, decreased gluteal force, or decreased iliopsoas force. Journal of Biomechanics 40 (16), pp.3725-3731.
- E.C. Leuthardt, K.J. Miller, N.R. Anderson, G. Schalk, J. Dowling, J.W. Miller, D.W. Moran, and J.G. Ojemann (2007) Electrocorticographic frequency alteration mapping: A clinical technique for mapping the motor cortex. Neurosurgery. Vol 60:4, pp 260-271.
- G. Schalk, J. Kubanek, K.J. Miller, N.R. Anderson, E.C. Leuthardt, J.G. Ojemann, D. Limbrick, D.W. Moran, L.A. Gerhardt, and J.R. Wolpaw (2007) Decoding two-dimensional movment trajectories using electrocorticographic signals in humans. Journal of Neural Engineering, Vol 4, pp 264-275.
- S.S. Chan and D.W. Moran (2006) Computational model of a primate arm: from hand position to joint angles, joint torques and muscle forces. Journal of Neural Engineering. Vol 3, pp 327-337.
- D.A. Heldman, W. Wang, S.S. Chan, and D.W. Moran (2006) Local field potential spectral tuning in motor cortex during reaching. IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Eng. Vol 14, No 2, pp 180-183.
- A.B. Schwartz, X.T. Cui, D.J. Weber and D.W. Moran (2006) Brain-controlled interfaces: movement restoration with neural prosthetics. Neuron. Vol 52, pp 205-220.
- E. C. Leuthardt, G. Schalk, D.W. Moran J.G. Ojemann (2006). The emerging world of motor neuroprosthetics: A neurosurgical perspective. Neurosurgery. Vol 59, No 1, pp 1-14.
- E.C. Leuthardt, G. Schalk, J.R. Wolpaw, J.G. Ojemann, and D.W. Moran (2004) A brain computer interface using electrocorticographic signals in humans. Journal of Neural Engineering. Vol 1, No 2, pp. 63-71.
- A.B. Schwartz D.W. Moran and G.A. Reina, (2004) Differential representation of perception and action in the frontal cortex. Science. Vol. 303, No. 5656, pp. 380-383.
- G.A. Reina, D.W. Moran and A.B. Schwartz (2001) On the relationship between joint angular velocity and motor cortical discharge during reaching. Journal of Neurophysiology. Vol. 85, No. 6, pp. 2576-2589.
- D.W. Moran and A.B Schwartz (2000) One motor cortex, two different views. Nature Neuroscience. Vol 3, No. 10, p. 963.
- A.B. Schwartz and D.W. Moran (2000) Arm trajectory and representation of movement processing in motor cortical activity. European Journal of Neuroscience. Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 1851-1856.
- A.B. Schwartz and D.W. Moran (1999) Motor cortical activity during drawing movements: Population representation during lemniscate tracing. Journal of Neurophysiology. Vol. 82, No. 5, pp. 2705-2718.
- D.W. Moran and A.B. Schwartz (1999) Motor cortical activity during drawing movements: Population representation during spiral tracing. Journal of Neurophysiology. Vol. 82, No. 5, pp. 2693-2704.
- D.W. Moran and A.B. Schwartz (1999) Motor cortical representation of speed and direction during reaching. Journal of Neurophysiology. Vol. 82, No. 5, pp. 2676-2692.
- G.T. Yamaguchi, D.W. Moran and J. Si (1995) Computationally efficient method for solving the redundant problem in biomechanics. Journal of Biomechanics. Vol. 28, No.8 pp. 999-1005.
Book Chapters
- G.T. Yamaguchi, A.G.-U. Sawa, D.W. Moran, M.J. Fessler, J.M. Winters (1990) A survey of human musculotendon actuator parameters, Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization. J.M. Winters and S.L-Y. Woo (ed.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 717-773.
- E.C. Leuthardt, J.G. Ojemann, G. Schalk, J. Dowling and D.W. Moran (2007) Chapter 12: General clinical issues relevant to Brain-Computer Interfaces. Neuroengineering. Daniel J. DiLorenzo and Joseph D. Bronzino editors, CRC Press.
- D.W. Moran (2017) Brain Computer Interfaces, Neuroprosthetics: Theory and Practice. K Horch and D. Kipke editors, World Scientific Publishing, pp 850-869.
- E. Leuthardt, M. MacEwan and D. Moran (2018) Novel Osteogenic Spinal Instrumentation in an Ovine Model. American Academy of Neurological Surgery Annual Meeting, October 24-27, Palm Beach, Florida.
- N. Chandra, W. McCarron, H. Burton, L. Green, D. Moran, W. Ray, and M. MacEwan (2018) Evaluating Sensory Percepts Elicited by Macrosieve Stimulation: A Rat Behavioral Model. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 17-20, Atlanta, Georgia.
- N.S. Chandra, W.M. McCarron, H. Burton, D.W. Moran, L.S. Green, W.Z. Ray, M.R. MacEwan (2018) Sensory percepts elicited by macrosieve stimulation of peripheral nerve: A rat behavioral model. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 3-7, San Diego, California.
- N. Chandra, W. McCarron, L. Green, H. Burton, D. Moran, W. Ray, and M. MacEwan (2018) A Rat Behavioral Model for Evaluating Sensory Percepts Elicited by Macrosieve Stimulation. Neural Interfaces Conference. June 25-27, Minneapolis Minnesota.
- T. Pearce, R. Turner and D.W. Moran (2017) Single dorsal premotor neurons encode multiple related target- and hand-based parameters during reach planning. Neural Control of Movement, May 1-5, Dublin, Ireland.
- K. Dyson, D.W. Moran (2017) BCI Control Using Signal From DBS Electrode Implant. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 11-14, Phoenix, Arizona.
- E. Zellmer, M. MacEwan, D. Moran (2016) Topographical organization of peripheral nerve axons following complete nerve transection and regeneration. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 12-17, San Diego, California.
- J. Pardo, E. Zellmer, L. Li, M. MacEwan, W. Ray, D. Moran (2016) Effect of sieve transparency on selectivity of Microsieve Electrodes in recruitment of peripheral nerve axons. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 5-8, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- R. Coker, E. Zellmer, D.W. Moran (2015) Development Of A Micro-Channel Sieve Electrode For Bi-Directional Peripheral Nerve Interfacing. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 7-10, Tampa, Florida.
- S. Hiremath, E.C. Tyler-Kabara, J.J. Wheeler, D.W. Moran, R.A. Gaunt, J.L. Collinger, S. Foldes, D.J. Weber, W. Chen, M.L. Boninger, W. Wang (2015) Human perception of electrical cortical surface stimulation at the somatosensory cortex. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 17-21, Chicago, Illinois.
- J. Pardo, E. Zellmer, L. Li., M.R. MacEwan, W.Z. Ray, and D.W. Moran (2015) The Microsieve Electrode (μSE) As a Tool for Neuromodulation in Peripheral Nerves: A Design, Modeling and Fabrication study. World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Abstracts, September 8-12, Rome, Italy.
- P. Karande, J.J. Wheeler, D.W. Moran (2013) Strategies to improve ECoG based BCI deccoding during move and hold tasks. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 9-13, San Diego, California.
- J. Pardo, E. Zellmer, D. Moran (2013) Microfabrication and finite element modeling of micro and macro sieves for use in targeted peripheral nerve regeneration. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 9-13, San Diego, California.
- J. Gaveau, C. Papaxanthis, D.W. Moran and D.E. Angelaki (2013) Motor planning in the gravitational field: How do monkeys reach? Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 9-13, San Diego, California.
- J.C. Landes, J.J. Wheeler, P. Karande, J.J. Williams and D.W. Moran (2103) Investigation of alternative control schemes in a real-time ECoG-based BCI. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 9-13, San Diego, California.
- J.J. Wheeler, P. Karande, K.J. Otto, and D.W. Moran (2013) An ECoG-based synchronous bi-directional brain-computer interface. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 9-13, San Diego, California.
- E. Zellmer, M.R. MacEwan, W.Z. Ray, D.W. Moran (2013) Interfacing regenerated peripheral nerve axons through novel macro-sieve electrodes – A modeling study. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 9-13, San Diego, California.
- N.R. Anderson, T Blakely, P Brunner, D. Krusienski, D.W. Moran, E.C. Leuthardt (2013) High-Frequency Spectral Changes in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex for Potential Neuoroprosthetics. IEEE 35th International EMBC, July 3-7, Osaka, Japan
- T.M. Pearce and D.W. Moran (2012) Simultaneous representation of goal information and hand kinematics in dorsal premotor cortex during reach planning and execution. Winter Conference on Brain Research, January 21-26, Snowbird, Utah.
- J.J. Wheeler, J.J. Williams, J.C. Williams and D.W. Moran (2012) Multi-dimensional control using a bi-lateral ECoG-based BCI with coadaptive decoder. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 13-17, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- P. Karande, J.J. Wheeler, J.J. Williams, J.C. Williams and D.W. Moran (2012) Selective feature pruning in an ECoG-based co-adaptive brain computer interface. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 13-17, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- D.T. Bundy, M Wronkiewicz, M. Sharma, N. Szrama, D.M. Moran, M. Corbetta, E.C. Leuthardt (2012) Brain-computer interface applications utilizing the unaffected hemi-sphere after stroke. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 13-17, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- A. Watt, M.R. MacEwan and D. Moran (2012) Optimizing regenerative electrode design and stability. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 24-27, Atlanta, Georgia.
- D. Skrainka, M.R. MacEwan and D. Moran (2012) Characterization of implantable, thin-film wireless receivers for functional electrical stimulation. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 24-27, Atlanta, Georgia.
- J. J. Williams, A.G. Rouse, J.J. Wheeler and D.W. Moran (2011) Decoding attention in a micro-ECoG based brain computer interface system. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 12-16, Washington D.C.
- J.J. Wheeler, J. J. Williams, W. Wang, J.C. Williams and D.W. Moran (2011) An evaluation of chronic epidural electrode arrays for long-term recording and stimulation. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 12-16, Washington D.C.
- D.T. Bundy, C.M. Gaona, Z.V. Freudenburg, M. Sharma, J.D. Breshears, N. Szrama, C. Hacker, A. Daitch, J. Solis, D.W. Moran, E.C. Leuthardt (2011) Comparison of signal characteristics of subdural and epidural microscale electrocorticographic recordings. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 12-16, Washington D.C.
- M.R. MacEwan, E. Zellmer, and D.W. Moran (2011) Dual-Sided Macro-Sieve Electrodes Enable Selective Activation of Motor Axons and Distal Musculature. Biomedical Engineering Society Abstracts, October 12-15, Hartford, Connecticut.
- E. Zellmer, M.R. MacEwan, and D.W. Moran (2011) Quantitative Investigation of the Interfacial Capabilities of Regenerative Macro-Sieve Electrodes. Biomedical Engineering Society Abstracts, October 12-15, Hartford, Connecticut.
- E. Zellmer, M.R. MacEwan, N. Katta, and D.W. Moran (2011) Implantable Wireless System for Multi-channel, Multi-polar Electrical Stimulation through High Impedance Neural Interfaces. Biomedical Engineering Society Abstracts, October 12-15, Hartford, Connecticut.
- P. Afshar, D. Moran, X. Wei, A. Rouse, T. Denison (2011) Validation of Chronic Implantable Neural Sensing Technology Using Electrocorticographic (ECoG) Based Brain Machine Interfaces. 5th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, April 27-May 1, Cancun Mexico.
- A.G. Rouse, J.J. Williams, J.J. Wheeler, D.W. Moran (2010) The effect of electrode distance and neural plasticity on an epidural electrocorticographic (EECoG) closed-loop brain-computer interface (BCI). Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 13-17, San Diego, California.
- M.R. MacEwan, E. Zellmer, D.Y. Siewe, J.J. Wheeler, D.W. Moran (2010) Selective stimulation of regenerated motor axons via macro-sieve electrodes. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 13-17, San Diego, California.
- T.M. Pearce and D.W. Moran (2010) Single-unit activity in macaque dorsal premotor cortex during obstacle-avoidance vs. direct reaching movements. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 13-17, San Diego, California.
- M.R. MacEwan, E. Zellmer, D.Y. Siewe, J.J. Wheeler, S. Sakiyama-Elbert, D.W. Moran (2010) Functional stimulation of peripheral motor axons via neuroregenerative sieve microelectrodes. Biomedical Engineering Society Abstracts, October 6-9, Austin, Texas.
- J.J. Williams, A.G. Rouse, J.J. Wheeler, J.C. Williams, D.W. Moran (2010) Evaluation of impedance, signal quality, and neural plasticity characteristics in a chronic micro-ECoG device. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 13-17, San Diego, California.
- T.M. Pearce, K.A. Thoroughman, D.W. Moran (2009) Obstacle-avoidance reaching movements in the rhesus macaque: Visually-guided planning and execution of indirect reach trajectories. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 17-21, Chicago, Illinois.
- J.W. Williams, A.G. Rouse, J.C. Williams, D.W. Moran (2009) μECoG correlates of physical and end-effector movement characteristics in a joystick dissociation task. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 17-21, Chicago, Illinois.
- M.R. MacEwan, J. Xie, X. Li, D.W. Moran, S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert, Y. Xia (2009) Axonal guidance and patterning via spatially-ordered and surface-modified nanofiber matrices. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Oct. 17-21, Chicago, Illinois.
- M.R. MacEwan, J.J. Wheeler, J. Kim, J.C. Williams, S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert, D.W. Moran (2009) Functional stimulation of regenerated motor axons via microelectrode assemblies containing neuroregenerative cues. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Oct. 17-21, Chicago, Illinois.
- A.G. Rouse and D.W. Moran (2009). Neural Modulation of High Gamma Band Activity in Epidural MicroECoG Based BCI. Biomedical Engineering Society Abstracts, Oct. 7th-10th. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- M.R. MacEwan, J. Xie, X. Li, D.W. Moran, S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert, Y. Xia (2009) Spatially-ordered and surface-modified nanofiber scaffolds for neural tissue engineering applications. Biomedical Engineering Society Abstracts, Oct. 7-10, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- M.R. MacEwan, J.J. Wheeler, J.K., J.C. Williams, S. Sakiyama-Elbert, D.W. Moran (2008) Nerve growth factor enhances sieve electrode interface with peripheral nerve tissue. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, October 2-4, St. Louis, Missouri.
- N. Anderson, M. Sharma, K. Wisneski, T. Blakely, G. Schalk, D. Moran, E. C. Leuthardt (2008) Directional encoding in motor cortex with ipsilateral ECoG activity. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Nov 15-19, Washington D.C.
- J. Kim, J.A. Wilson, J. Hippensteel, J. Hokanson, W. Wang, K. Smith, K. J. Otto, W. Shain, D. J. Weber, L. A. Krugner-Higby, D. W. Moran, J. C. Williams (2008). A cortical microECoG platform utilizing thin film polymer electrode arrays. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Nov 15-19, Washington D.C.
- A.G. Rouse, D.A. Heldman, D.W. Moran (2007) Neural adaptation of epidural electrocorticographic (EECoG) signals during closed-loop brain computer interface (BCI) control. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 3-8, San Diego, California.
- N. R. Anderson, K. J. Wisneski, T. M. Blakely, J. Zempel, M. Morrissey, M. Smyth, J. Dowling, G. Schalk, D.W. Moran, E. C. Leuthardt (2007). Encoding of target information recorded using electrocorticography. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 3-8, San Diego, California.
- N. R. Anderson, T. M. Blakely, K. J. Wisneski, G. Schalk, M. Smyth, J. Dowling, M. Morrissey, J. Zempel, E. C. Leuthardt , D. W. Moran (2007). Tuning of arm movements in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 3-8, San Diego, California.
- K.J. Wisneski, N. R. Anderson, T. M. Blakely, K. G. Schalk, M. Smyth, M. Morrissey, J. Zempel, J. Dowling, D.W. Moran, E. C. Leuthardt (2007). The unique electrophysiology of ipsilateral motor processing and neuroprosthetic application. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 3-8, San Diego, California.
- D.A. Heldman and D.W. (2006) A brain-computer interface using epidural electrocorticography. Biomedical Engineering Society, October 11-14, Chicago Illinois.
- N.R. Anderson, T. Blakely, G. Schalk, K. Miller, E.C. Leuthardt, and D.W. Moran (2006) Human Electrocorticographic Joystick Tracking. Biomedical Engineering Society, October 11-14, Chicago Illinois.
- C.L. Lewis, S.A. Sahrmann and D.W. Moran (2006) Effect of hip rotation on anterior hip force during straight leg raising. American Society of Biomechanics, September 6-9, Blacksburg, Virginia.
- G. Schalk, J. Kubanek, K. Miller, N.R. Anderson, E.C. Leuthardt, J. Ojemann, D. Limbrick, D.W. Moran, L.A. Gerhardt and J.R. Wolpaw (2006) Decoding two-dimensional movement trajectories from electrocorticographic signals in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 14-18, Atlanta, Georgia.
- D.A. Heldman, W. Wang, S.S. Chan, and D.W. Moran (2005) Local field potential spectral tuning in motor cortex during circular drawing movements. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 12-16, Washington, D.C.
- W. Wang, S.S. Chan, D.A. Heldman and D.W. Moran (2005) Motor cortical representation of position and velocity during circular drawing movements. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 12-16, Washington, D.C.
- S.S. Chan, W. Wang, D.A. Heldman and D.W. Moran (2005) Comparison of kinematic versus kinetic movement parameters in motor cortical activity during three-dimensional circular drawing, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts November 12-16, Washington, D.C.
- G. Schalk, E.C. Leuthardt, D. Moran, K.J. Miller, J. Ojemann, J.R. Wolpaw (2005) Towards two-dimensional cursor control using electrocorticographic signals. Proceedings to the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, July 22-27, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- C.L. Lewis, S.A. Sahrmann, and D.W. Moran (2005) Walking in greater hip extension increases predicted anterior hip joint reaction forces. Proceedings of the ISB Congress and ASB 29th meeting, July 31-Aug 5, Cleveland, Ohio.
- D.A. Heldman, W. Wang, S.S. Chan, and D.W. Moran (2004) Local field potential spectral tuning in primary motor cortex. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 23-27, San Diego, California.
- S.S. Chan, W. Wang, D.A. Heldman and D.W. Moran (2004) Relationship between neural activity in motor cortex and joint torques at the shoulder and elbow during 3D reaching. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 23-27, San Diego, California.
- W. Wang, S.S. Chan, D.A. Heldman and D.W. Moran (2004) Neuronal representation of hand orientation in primary motor cortex during reaching movements. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 23-27, San Diego, CA.
- G. Schalk, E.C. Leuthardt, D.W. Moran, J. Ojemann and J.R. Wolpaw (2004) Two-dimensional cursor control using electrocorticographic signals in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 23-27, San Diego, California
- C.L. Lewis, S.A. Sahrmann, and D.W. Moran (2004) Predicted hip joint reaction forces during prone hip extension with varying contribution from the gluteal muscles. Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, September 8-11, Portland, Oregon.
- W. Wang, S. Chan and D.W. Moran (2003) Independent estimation of position and velocity from motor cortical activity. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 8-12, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- E.C. Leuthardt, G. Schalk, M. Chicoine, J. Wolpaw, J. Ojemann and D.W. Moran (2003) Developing a brain computer interface using electrocorticographic signals from subdural electrode arrays in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 8-12, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- D.W. Moran (2002). Development and adoption of appropriate standards for designing BCI studies and for assessing and comparing their results, both in the laboratory and in actual applications: Performance Criteria Brain-computer Interfaces for Communication and Control: 2nd International Meeting, June 12-16, Rensselaerville, N.Y.
- D.W. Moran (2001) Motor cortical representation of sensorimotor illusions: Implications for neuroprosthetics. Biomedical Engineering Society Conference, October 4-7, Durham, North Carolina.
- A.B. Schwartz, D.W. Moran and G.A. Reina (2001) Cortical representation of perceived and actual drawing. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 10-15, San Diego, California.
- D.W. Moran, G.A. Reina and A.B. Schwartz (2000) Long-term analysis of a single motor cortical cell. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 4-9, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- G.A. Reina, D.W. Moran and A.B. Schwartz (2000) Analysis of the functional connectivity between motor cortical neurons and EMG during drawing. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 4-9, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- D.M. Taylor, D.W. Moran and A.B. Schwartz (2000) Using virtual reality to train motor cortical cells to convey more movement information for better control of a neural prosthesis. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 4-9, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- D.W. Moran (2000) Brain real estate: When function doesn’t follow location. Winter Conference on Brain Research, January 22-29, Breckenridge, Colorado.
- D.W. Moran, G.A. Reina and A.B. Schwartz (1999) Motor cortical activity during lemniscate drawing. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 23-28, Miami Beach, Florida, p. 1662.
- G.A. Reina, D.W. Moran and A.B. Schwartz (1999) On the relation between joint-angular velocity and motor cortical discharge during movement. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 23-28, Miami Beach, Florida, p. 1662.
- D.W. Moran, G.A. Reina and A.B. Schwartz (1999) Construction of motor cortical population vectors using joint angular velocity tuning information. Neural Control of Movement Society Abstracts, April 11-16, Kauai, Hawaii.
- D.W. Moran, G.A. Reina and A.B. Schwartz (1998) Effect of a virtual reality illusion on premotor cortical population vectors during drawing. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 7-12, Los Angeles, California.
- D.W. Moran, A. Kakavand, E.D. Lumer and A.B. Schwartz (1997) Interaction between direction and speed on motor cortical activity: The effect on preferred direction and population vectors. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, October 25-30, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- D.W. Moran, A. Kakavand and A.B. Schwartz (1996) Population vector analysis of the relative timing between movement kinematics and cortical activity in both primary and premotor cortices. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 16-21, Washington, D.C.
- A. Kakavand, D.W. Moran and A.B. Schwartz (1996) Dynamic correlations of motor cortical activity with kinetic and kinematic parameters of hand movement. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 16-21, Washington, D.C.
- D.W. Moran, A. Kakavand and A.B. Schwartz (1995) Effect of a virtual reality illusion on motor cortical population vectors during drawing. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, November 11-16, San Diego, California.
- D.W. Moran and G.T. Yamaguchi (1994) The effects of orthopedic surgery on musculoskeletal control strategies in children with cerebral palsy. Biomedical Engineering Society Conference. Tempe, Arizona.
- J. Si, D.W. Moran and G.T. Yamaguchi (1994) Solving the redundant problem in biomechanics using the equilibrium solution of a recurrent neural network. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 14-16, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
- G.T. Yamaguchi, D.W. Moran, and J. Si (1994) A general method for optimal musculotendon force computation. IFAC Symposium on Modeling and Control in Biomedical Systems, March 27-30, Galveston, Texas, pp. 35-36.
- D.W. Moran, G.T. Yamaguchi (1992) Determining subject-specific musculoskeletal geometric and mass properties from magnetic resonance images. Proceedings of the Second North American Congress on Biomechanics, August 24-28, Chicago, Illinois.
- G.T. Yamaguchi, J.I. Green, D.W. Moran (1992) Development of a subject-specific, dynamic model of pathological gait. Proceedings of the Second North American Congress on Biomechanics, August 24-28, Chicago, Illinois.
- K.M. Weaver, R.J. Haynes, T. Hansen, G.T. Yamaguchi, J.I. Green and D.W. Moran (1991) “The effect of a shoe lift on gait in spastic hemiplegia.” Proceedings of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Orthopaedics, Oct 22-27, New Orleans, Louisiana.